May 11, 2022
LUB-15-22- 4 Photos | LUB-15-22- Ltr to LBT re Application | LUB-15-22- 2022-04-04 VARIANCE 93-141
LUB-16-22- 21-31 P2| LUB-16-22- 21-31 V1| LUB-16-22- Stutz app-04272022131229| LUB-16-22- Stutz survey-04042022152421
LUB-17-22- Ltr to LBT re App | LUB-17-22- 20220303 – 1305 Long Beach Boulevard – issue for Planning Board review |
LUB-17-22- 2022-04-04 Site Plan HT&Y | LUB-17-22- Property photos 4
LUB-18-22- Ltr to LBT re App | LUB-18-22-REVISED Variance Plan – Revised | LUB-18-22-4 Photos
LUB-14-22- REVISED PAGE ONE HTY- 2022-04-27 | Site Plan 21-008 | LUB-14-22 REVISED PAGE TWO 2022-03-30 Site Plan 21-008 DETAILS | LUB-14-22-URRIS APPLICATION